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No Compromise Parenting

Get Your Game Face On and Ace Being A Mother

10 Aug 2020
Get Your Game Face On and Ace Being A Mother

Your baby came out – YES! Now you can start about a whole new set of problems.  We know how tough being a mother can be, especially after having endured 9 months of carrying a mere infant. Only to find out that it’ll give you more problems once it came out! But we got your backs covered. Here are the best strategies for coping with each of the common struggles of mothers.

  1. Worrying about the way you look

You’re a wreck. You’ve been mentally and physically drained. AND THAT’S PERFECTLY NORMAL! Your body has undergone a lot of stress and if you’ve been c-sectioned, then you may still be feeling the effects and soreness of your incision. There shouldn’t be any shame coming from you. Just think of the good thing that came from all of this mess – a happy healthy baby.  Use this opportunity to actually get all the help you can, may it be in helping you walk, feeding you, or supporting you in dealing with the baby blues. Also, don’t worry about your figure. It isn’t easy to burn all those added calories from your post-birth body. So, don’t sweat it off. Enjoy casual yoga if you want and have a chat with your girlfriends. No one’s rushing you. Get your normal body back at your own pace, at your own time.

  1. Deprived of sleep for nights

Every mother anticipated being sleep deprived once they’ve given birth. It’s one thing that comes with the package of raising a baby. And yet – it still feels completely unexpected. It’s not anything compared to watching late night shows or working late shifts. It’s getting used to at last an hour’s sleep or nothing at all. Accompanied by headaches, depression, irritability, and a whole lot of confusion about how to raise a child. How can you manage this? Well, you actually just sleep whenever you can. You can even ask your partner or any one helping you, to take shifts in nursing the baby so you can at least both get a chunk of sleep even if it’s at three hours tops.

  1. Getting anxious and troubled with all things that could go wrong

You entered a whole new world. For first-time moms, it feels like they actually went to a forest to fend for themselves. Panicking and worrying about how to survive and how to prepare for anything that could go wrong. Biologically, all mothers instinctively would do anything to protect their children. This is why most mothers search for every article, website, book, or advice they can get on how to raise their first child. And at some point, you begin to overthink about small details that you believe could straightly result to the death of your child. A little anxiety is actually safe, but to overthink everything, it eventually becomes unhealthy. As mothers’ logical reasoning and thinking would be our best friends. We need to rethink if such steps would really result to drastic outcomes. Instead focus on the more significant things that could most probably go wrong: SIDS, Your family’s wellbeing and safety, and your financial stability.


Still struggling? Well that’s reality and we have to deal with it. Some of these parts may get harder, while some get easier. It’s important to note that they won’t stay babies for long. Just know and believe that you’re strong enough to get past the age of four when you send them to school. Then, it’s the teacher’s problem.  Until then, know that you got this! Even if you’re a Dad, Go get this!

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